A state-of-the-art coaching aid that films training sessions and games, is paying dividends for the students at Ysgol Greenhill in Tenby.

Earlier this term the school received a VEO camera with built in AI technology following a donation by Valero Pembroke Refinery.

The portable camera automatically follows the action on the field or during training sessions and has proved to be the perfect tool to help students appraise their performance.

Ysgol Greenhill uses the camera to film their 6th Form A Level PE, LLS BTEC Sport Coaching and GCSE PE lessons and Girls and Boys sporting fixtures such as the ‘International Origin Cup’ 1st XV rugby fixture against Ysgol Harry Tudor that took place on Tuesday, October 4.

Before the game, which saw Greenhill win 41-22, Valero’s public affairs manager Stephen Thornton presented the camera to first XV co-captains Cam Brown and Will Allen.

They are pictured, along with the camera, with the first XV squad, coach Mr Phil Williams (far left) and headteacher Mr David Haynes (far right).