Tenby Sharks Boxing Club have given a bumper thanks for all the support it has received in its first full season as a Welsh Amateur Boxing Association affiliated club.

Last month’s trip to Tredegar capped a very bright first season for the Club which now has a base at Carew Airfield, and a successful 12 months, has managed to really put Tenby Sharks Boxing Club in a great place moving forward and on the map.

Last September, for the first time, we had a place we could call our own, as since 2017 I’ve fought to keep this Club alive, quite often training on the beach as we had no home!” said Sharks head coach Mark Davies.

“There’s been no end of stress along the way, but looking back on this season it's all been worth it.

“At present we have 12 carded boxers ready to compete and around the same number that are also pursuing competing next season. The gym is buzzing at the moment.

“Over the season The Sharks have really stood up and let the rest of Wales know what we are about, and with 32 competitive bouts for the Club this season, it is a great feeling to see we have had 21 wins and 11 learns along the way,” continued Mark.

“We also had Mark White become the 57kg youth Welsh Novice Champion in what was a great first season for him.

“The hard work and dedication these kids put in to doing something they love is catching and Mark leads by example.

“We have a few little gems in the gym at the moment and hopefully next season we can really step up to the challenge and bring a few Welsh vests back to Pembrokeshire with us.”

Last month the Sharks had a great night supporting neighbours at Narberth ABC for a show at Bloomfield Community Centre.

“Everyone had a great time from start to finish, and as a Club, it’s up there with our most successful nights,” remarked Mark

“With five boxers on the show, we came away with four official wins and a performance that made it feel like five wins.

“Our 'Lil Pink' didn't get the decision, but the way she went about her business in there just showed her potential, narrowly missing out to the more experienced girl from Pantside ABC.

“Tyler Gullam went out and worked his heart out for a much deserved win, listened to everything we had said all week, and went out there like a boss to claim his first win.

“Tyler Baker put on another great performance to avenge the loss he had in his first fight from Premier ABC. This kid is on fire at the moment, and anyone that's beat someone on a return match will tell you how good that feels.

“Ollie Clarke, once again, this kid has burst from nowhere to being right in the mix for a Welsh vest next season, one of a few at Tenby Sharks hopefully. On the night he beat a game kid from Gelligaer ABC.

“Frankie Gammer was last but he certainly wasn’t least, boxing a lad from Cwmavon Hornets with more experience.

“From the first bell Frankie showed great composure, great footwork combined with great shot selection to force a 2nd round stoppage.

“The performance grabbed him the honour of being selected by Narberth ABC as their 'Boxer of the night' and gifted with the late Mike Haines memorial belt.

“Thanks for the great night Narberth ABC, and thanks to the refs and judges who make these nights possible.”

Tenby Sharks recently held their own show night at Tenby Leisure Centre, their second and final show of the season.

“I want to thank all those of those that came down and supported the Club and got behind the young boxers that did compete, in what was to them, the biggest night of boxing since they stepped foot in a boxing gym,” continued Mark.

“Thanks to all the coaches that came down to make it possible, especially those that rallied around last minute to come down and fill spaces as we literally went from having 14 bouts to five for one reason or another, much of which was out of our control.

“Most of all, thanks to the boxers that put all the work in day in day out in pursuit of doing something positive and meaningful with their lives. Without the ‘Sharklings’ there is no future for Tenby Sharks Amateur Boxing Club!

“Without these shows its really hard to maintain the Club where there's a serious lack of help or support from local authorities or the Government.

“With rent to pay, travel costs for shows on top of replacing essential equipment and many other costs it's a constant struggle to make ends meet, which is why we rely on these kind of events to cover annual costs.

“We will look forward to regrouping over the closed season and looking to build on the success of our first full season as an affiliated club with some real bright prospects coming through the ranks ready for our next season.

“We are looking for businesses that may want to sponsor us. We have quite a wide reaching social media platform as well as most of the bouts we compete in being across South Wales rather than isolated to Pembrokeshire.

“We are a not for profit Club, run by volunteers. The costs of running the Club are by far the biggest threat to its sustainability, so any help is most welcome.

If this is something you may be able to help with then visit the Sharks website at: www.tenbysharksabc.co.uk