The WRU, WRU National Div 3 and Youth Cup and Pembs senior and youth KO Cup fixtures for all sections are now being published and these can be seen online and in the clubhouse.

The First XV, Panthers and Youth sections have confirmed that pre-season training will start at the beginning of July.

The First XV have confirmed pre-season fixtures, these include August 12 Furnace away, 19th Tumble at home, 26th Llangwm home in first round of the Pembs KO Cup, whilst the first WRU DIV 3 West (A) match on September 2nd will be Llanybydder away, with the WRU Div 3 Cup first round match at home to Trimsaran on Sept 23.

The new senior coaching team have been meeting with the players, all of whom are eager to start a new campaign on a solid, positive footing.

On August 5, The Club will stage a very special charity match organised by ex-player Richard Jones, who is raising funds for the Wales Air Ambulance, Morriston Hospital and the League of Friends in honour of the support provided by all after his horrific road accident that saw him loose a leg.

The gates will be open at 12 pm, there will be demonstration matches from the Club’s Junior section and Panthers/Sharks women’s teams, prior to the main match between a Pembroke XV and a Misfits squad pulled together by Richard.

There will be celebrity guests, food, hospitality, raffle, an auction and games for the kids at this big family event and we hope people will come along to support Richard and his family.

The Junior section will be holding their annual registration session for all age groups on Sunday, August 13 between 10 am and midday at the clubhouse, with a mop up session on Friday September 1, 6 to 7pm.

It is vital that all players register prior to the season starting in mid September.

Meanwhile all age groups and their coaches have been celebrating the many successes in their presentation events during the past weeks and congratulating all those youngsters, who have gained County and Scarlets honours during last season.

The club in conjunction with RCS Sportswear (Llanelli) have instigated a new club shop, which provides members and supporters with opportunities to purchase club sportswear; all details and exemplars can be seen in the cabinet in the club’s foyer.

On Sunday, July 30 the Club will be playing the annual men’s and women’s cricket 100 matches against Pembroke cricket club; on the day there will be music, BBQ and bar available for all supporters to enjoy.

The club is also hoping to reinstate an annual Quins v PRFC golf day in late July, anyone interested in playing should contact Darrell or put their name on a list in the club by July 8.

The directors and management Committee would like to post their sincere thanks to everyone who has made a contribution during the last season at all levels in our thriving community club and we know everyone is looking forward to the new season with great anticipation.