Kitchen Refit

The start of the sailing season is almost upon us. The harbour echoes to the roar of our boat engines being put back into working order after a testing Frostbite Series. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, a team of volunteer builders is gutting extending and refitting the kitchen area. Leader of this team, owner of most of the tools and tower of strength is Bosun Graham Wellman. Bosuns maintain boats, but here, we operate a multi-discipline policy - Graham turns his hand to everything, assisted by a small but devoted band of volunteers among whom Ancient Mariner offered his 50 years experience of DIY, Dulux Gloss and flatpack construction.

Buffet and Bowls!

This annual event used to be called 'Chinese Bowls' when a bowling session at Canaston Bridge was followed by Chinese meal back at the clubhouse. Great theory except that 50+ ravenous bowlers descending all at once on the equivalent of 'meals on wheels' results in long delays and cold rice. So the event morphed into Bowls and Bangers which worked well, until the clubhouse became a bombsite (see photo). So, this year it became 'Buffet and Bowls' - bring your own food and find a seat among the debris. Human nature being what it is, you will not be surprised to learn that the evening was a great success for the 34 determined bowlers who took part. First prize went to Team Mayflower, captained by David McDermott. Highest scoring male was Gerald Rees, by a mile, it is said, and highest scoring female was Diana Phillips. The leading junior was Richard Dwyer closely followed by his brother Mark. Who knows what form the bowling evening will take next year?

Dates for the Diary

Today (Friday, March 16) - quiz night at 8 pm. Yes at the clubhouse, yes - find a seat among the debris, but be assured the builders say they are on the home straight and the clubhouse gets tidier by the day. Karen, our cleaner is a star. Saturday, March 31 - Fitting Out Supper, 8 pm. For reasons now obvious, fate will not be tempted by planning a lush spread in the new kitchen. The American Buffet solution used with such success by the bowlers will be adopted once again.

Sail Training SESSIONS

The first improvers sessions will be held on March 31 at 10.30 am. Would the participants please return forms and fees to Tina a.s.a.p., and bring logbooks and certificates with you. You can contact Tina on (01834) 812383 or by email on [email protected]">[email protected]

Ancient Mariner