Plans by Dyfed-Powys Police to hold a 'police surgery' on Caldey Island regularly over the summer have been questioned by a local councillor.

Discussing the matter at Tuesday night's meeting of Tenby town council, Clr. Lawrence Blackhall said that he had seen an article in the Observer that Dyfed-Powys Police were planning the summer-based initiative to enable members of the community and tourists to meet a member of the Neighbourhood Policing Team and share their concerns at surgeries held twice a month on the island.

"While I'd like to stress the value of the community of Caldey as part of Tenby, at the same time I note the shortage of police resources in the area, which I'm sure would be better concentrated in the town itself," he said.

"I've asked for data on crimes recorded on the island, which I'm awaiting, but I suspect the figures are low, and given that, is sending police officers over on a boat in the sunshine, the best use of limited police resources?" remarked Clr. Blackhall, adding he felt that a letter should go to local police Inspector Nick Evans, requesting that operational matters are concentrated on the town.