Updated plans for a controversial housing Tenby development, which will see less homes built than originally proposed, have been submitted to the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority.

In 2018, Pembrokeshire County Council, which already owned the 15-acre Brynhir site on the edge of Tenby, ‘bought’ the land for £4million using its Housing Revenue Account.

Campaigners fought a two-year battle against the use of the land for housing, calling for protection for ‘Tenby’s last green space’ and fearing it would become a ‘concrete jungle’.

The County Council was granted outline planning permission by the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority for the development of 144 properties – including up to 102 affordable residential units, eight shared ownership residential units and 34 open market shared units – in 2020.

Back in July, National Park planners heard less homes than originally hoped for will be built at the development, but nearly three-quarters will remain affordable.

It is now proposed that only 125 houses will be built, with just under 90 being affordable.

Brynhir plans
An artist’s impression of the housing on the Brynhir site, Tenby (Pic: Pembrokeshire County Council application/The Urbanists.)

In July, the National Park backed a Pembrokeshire County Council Housing request to modify the Section 106 legal agreement ahead of an official updated application, including a condition that the percentage of affordable housing does not drop below 71 per cent.

Amendments also included the removal of a Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA), one of two Local Equipped Area for Play Spaces (LEAPS) instead providing a multi-use space for ball games.

The County Council, through agent The Urbanists, has now submitted the updated outline plans for 125 homes on the site.

The application states: “The proposed development is a key development for the town of Tenby and the wider county; it shall make a significant contribution to the delivery of much-needed affordable housing as well as helping much overall local housing targets.”

It says the proposals - “would deliver a scheme with a rich architectural offer that is respectful of the local Tenby vernacular while offering a contemporary design”.

“The scale of the units proposed are deemed to be sensitive to the site landscape, topography and position within the Tenby settlement.”

The Brynhir site in Tenby (Pic. Graham Burton)

It adds: “It is considered the proposals are in line with the parameters of the outline planning permission and in some cases deliver betterment on the initial impacts envisaged.”

Tenby Town Council has backed the application – in principle – subject to agreeing further detailed comments and observations in conjunction with Tenby Civic Society.

The application will be considered by National Park planners at a later date.