Henry Tufnell MP, County Councillor Joshua Beynon and PCSO Ella Bland took part in a litter pick organised by Keep Wales Tidy and McDonald’s Pembroke Dock.

The local fast food restaurant organises regular community litter picks around the town. Kerry McCaughan, project officer for Keep Wales Tidy kindly donated equipment to the store for a ‘litter free zone’.
Recently the store’s Brand Ambassador Jude Poole was got in touch with Kerry to arrange a litter pick for Tuesday, August 13 and invite the local MP, county councillor and PCSO as willing helpers. The choice of day was unfortunately a rather wet one. “The rain unfortunately beat us in the end but we did collect a lot,” she said.

McDonalds Pembroke Dock has also recently carried out a litter pick at Pembroke Leisure Centre and is keen to support Tenby Leisure Centre too. Other community outreach has included a visit to Pembroke Haven Residential home to chat and do crafts with clients.
Jude added: “A massive thanks to Kerry McCaughan, Henry Tufnell, Joshua Beynon, Ella Bland and also staff at the store including Jemma Davies, our first assistant.”