Versus Arthritis Narberth Branch held a very well attended coffee morning at the Social Club House in Narberth, raising over £550. 

All stalls were amply stocked with home-made cakes, desserts and festive cards with many prizes won on the tombola stall. 

Main raffle winners were: £20 voucher – Mairwen Bowen, £15 voucher - Mary Bibby, £10 meat voucher – Rhys Watkins, book of 1st class stamps – Mavis Murrell, bottle of wine – Peter Morris, book of 2nd class stamps – Vic Dennis, box of toiletries – Betty Thomas, plus many other prizes which were kindly donated by committee members and friends. The two baskets of fruit and chocolates were won by Iris Bevan and Gwyneth John.

Branch president Dr Patsy Lewis welcomed everyone to the event and spoke of the importance of continuing fund raising for the research and treatment of Arthritis which affects a large proportion of the population. She also conveyed get well wishes to chairman Mrs Ann Morris who was indisposed. Dr Lewis then proceeded to thank Mr and Mrs J Owen, proprietors, and the club officials for allowing us the use of the club house and Mr Clive James for his assistance with printing. Lastly, Dr Lewis thanked the committee for all their hard work and everyone for attending and making this a very successful event.

Future events are being planned for 2024 when a warm welcome will be extended to everyone.