Back at Pembroke on Thursday, the Roots to Recovery group finally got a chance to finish the herb boxes they built earlier in the year!

Previously, they carried and measured and sawed and drilled and built these lovely boxes out of strong oak which will hopefully last for many years to come.

Roots to Recovery Pembroke Herb Boxes
(Mind Pembrokeshire)

On Thursday, they transported them down to the picnic area on the Commons, where everyone worked together to get them sorted, a layer of stones for drainage, add the soil and then got planting 🌱.

Roots to Recovery Pembroke Herb Boxes
(Mind Pembrokeshire)

All done! Rosemary, Lavender, Thyme, Sage and other lovely fresh herbs were all planted up tidy for the public to enjoy, or add a little to their cooking on the barbecue grill which is located at the picnic area for anyone to use.

Roots to Recovery Pembroke Herb Boxes
(Mind Pembrokeshire)

This job has taken three sessions to complete, and many participants have contributed their time and efforts to get it done - huge thanks go to all involved. A massive thank you also goes to Maisie for running around from the crack of dawn, sorting everything needed for the job.

Roots to Recovery Pembroke Herb Boxes
(Mind Pembrokeshire)

Roots to Recovery is mental health charity Mind Pembrokeshire’s outdoor project in association with Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, using nature as therapy. It’s all about the restorative powers of Pembrokeshire’s amazing outdoors and especially its National Park.

Roots to Recovery Pembroke Herb Boxes
(Mind Pembrokeshire)

Roots to Recovery activities are designed to be accessible, fun and sometimes relaxing, learn new skills and meet new friends.

Roots to Recovery Pembroke Herb Boxes
(Mind Pembrokeshire)

A typical programme might include walks (to suit a range of abilities), arts and crafts with an outdoor theme, community gardening, volunteering in and around the National Park, and exploring the great outdoors. You can choose to do as much or as little of what’s on offer.

Bee on lavender
(Mind Pembrokeshire)

Visit the website for contact details and further information.