Last Saturday a capacity crowd had a fantastic time at the Mexican themed evening at Tenby Sailing Club, with the music of the Llewellyn Brothers guitarists.

Tenby Sailing Club member Jon Nuttall is the Welsh Tera squad coach, and also a coach in the Welsh ILCA squad.

The Tera is a 9ft 5in single handed dinghy, ideal for introducing youngsters to sailing.

His daughter Isabelle, aged 9, took part in a squad session in Dale on January 13/14.

The larger ILCA4 dinghies are excellent for training older juniors.

These 13ft 10in Lasers have a Welsh squad which includes TSC’s Nina Marsh (15), and Amelia Nuttall (14).

Both girls are competing in the Neyland Yacht Club Frostbite series, and doing really well.

Two races on Sunday 7th produced overall results for Nina, Jon, and Amelia of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, Jon sailing his ILCA7, the same length as the ILCA 4, but with larger sail area.

Poor conditions were responsible for race cancellations on the 14thand 21st. Better luck next weekend!

TSC Junior Training: Following last week’s organisers meeting, any prospective junior trainees are invited to contact the club for further details.

Clubhouse: Members are reminded that Subscriptions for 2024 are now due.

Fees for each category will be increased by £5 from February 1.

Further information available on https://www.tenbysailing