Last Monday, several people came to the coffee morning at 11 am in Augustus Place Community Hall.

They picked a good day, as the cupcake maker had been used for the first time, and they were ready for testing – and the verdict was, that they were good!

The new set of handbells was also tested, with the sound of Frère Jacques ringing out. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, and promised to come again. Not this coming week though, as it is the last Monday on the month, so the Tenby Project participants are having a day out on the Dial-a ride. There will be another coffee morning on April 4 at 11 am and everyone is welcome – tea/coffee and biscuits for a donation.

Having tried the cupcake maker, at lunchtime time it was put through its paces again, making savoury muffins which also turned out well. Then everyone either worked on making little gifts and decorating gift boxes for the Postbag of Kindness that will be going down to another group in Cornwall, or tried their skill at new age kurling – which became quite competitive. Everyone helped with tidying up and planning for next week.

The Tenby Project - crafts
(Pic. The Tenby Project)

As there is another group in the hall in the morning on Monday, March 28, the Tenby Project will be heading out for the day in the Dial-a- Ride mini bus – here’s hoping for good weather!