Tenby’s North Beach toilets will remain open to the public after Pembrokeshire County Council’s Cabinet agreed to continue to fund the facility.

The public conveniences had been threatened with closure as the County Council look to make of £30m of savings.

Tenby Town Council, along with the town’s county councillrs Cllr. Skyrme-Blackhall and Cllr Michael Williams had put arguments forward to the Local Authority on reasons to keep the toilets open.

Councillors had presented a case that closure would have a dramatic effect on one of the County’s most popular tourist beaches. They also argued that closure would prevent regaining Blue Flag status for the beach.

Tenby Town Council have agreed to cover the costs of keeping the public toilets open on Upper Frog Street (with PCC continuing to manage the facility) meaning that there will be no toilet closures for the town.

“Tenby Town Council believe that having agreed to bear the additional cost of one public toilet, it is only fair that the burden should be shared and that North Beach toilets be maintained,” said a spokesperson for the Town Council.

“As we have stated, this is about Blue Flag Status, access for people with disabilities, promotion of Pembrokeshire on the world stage and ultimately and critically, fairness to the people of Tenby.”

A plea to save the North Beach toilets was also made by Tenby’s North ward county councillor Michael Williams at the meeting of PCC’s Policy and Pre-decision Overview and Scrutiny Committee recently.

Tenby harbour
Cllr Michael Williams (Observer pic)

Following the cabinet’s decision on Monday morning, Cllr Williams stated: “It’s pleasing to know that common sense has prevailed, and that as the member for this area my views have been taken into account having first raised concerns several months ago and in committee.

“This can’t be proclaimed as anything even nearly resembling a victory, it is a battle won but in a war to protect our most basic services.

“Tenby is the ‘Jewel in the Crown’ of Pembrokeshire and deserves not only protecting but enhancing even during these difficult times.

“I now intend continuing to press to see long term investment in the building and the entire North Walk area which is long overdue,” he added.

Mayor of Tenby Cllr Dai Morgan remarked: “This is good news for the town and I am grateful that Pembrokeshire County Council’s Cabinet listened to our strong case.

tenby toilets
Cllr Sam Skyrme-Blackhall and Tenby's Mayor Cllr Dai Morgan (Pic supplied)

“Tenby Town Council is always keen to work together with the County Council and we are happy with this agreement.”

Cllr. Skyrme-Blackhall praised the decision and thanked the cabinet for their support, adding: “Sometimes things take time to sort out but we have been working hard behind the scenes and I am delighted at the outcome.”