Tenby councillors have met with Greenhill Secondary School’s Senedd to show the Council’s commitment to engaging with the town’s young people.

Cllr Tom Sloan and Tenby’s Mayor, Cllr Dai Morgan recently held a meeting at Ysgol Greenhill with Tom Moses of Planed and pupils to follow up with the Town Council’s project to encourage more youth engagement.

Mr Moses is Planed’s CWBR (Community Wellbeing and Resilience) Youth Co-ordinator. CWBR Youth is a new approach to involving young people in local communities.

Councillors met with the School’s Senedd, whilst students have also been involved lately in attending council events.

“The head, Mr Haynes, admitted the structure had not been there in the past but now we’ve opened the door and he will do everything he can to support,” Cllr Sloan told his fellow members at the most recent meeting of the Town Council.

“I was surprised at the number of students that were present and interested. Hopefully we can continue to work, in conjunction with Planed, to continue to move forward.”

“It shows TTC are committed and are serious about engaging with our community and young people. This will open up all sorts of avenues for further projects,” he added.