A consultation on introducing speed reduction measures in the areas of Stepaside and Summerhill has begun.

Amroth Community Council have successfully applied for funding for two, possibly three Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) to be installed in Summerhill and Stepaside where excess speed has been an issue for a while.These locations comply with legal measures governing proposed sites. The locations are subject to consultation and agreement with Pembrokeshire County Council’s highways department.

The Summerhill location for one of the SIDs is said to target Southbound traffic entering the built up village.

Councillors from the ward’s perception is that the speed that vehicles travel in this location is excessive. The warning sign may have to be moved a metre or so towards the verge boundary to allow clear visibility to the SID.

The plan for the first Stepaside location is on the Eastbound entry into the 30mph zone, where the current warning sign would be removed and a new post installed to accommodate both SID and warning sign.

This location targets the Eastbound traffic entering the built up village, councillors have stated, with a traffic survey indicating that speeding in excess of 30mph takes place in this spot.

The second location in Stepaside would target the Westbound entry into the 30mph zone, where again, a traffic survey indicates vehicles traveling at excess speeds.

Anyone with any comments are asked to please contact the clerk to Amroth Community Council at: [email protected] or telephone 01437 563312.