Motorists parking on pavements in Saundersfoot has left a number residents frustrated by such consistent actions, a county councillor for the seaside village has reported.
“On Sandy Hill road numerous residents are frustrated with cars being parked on the pavement,” said county councillor for the south ward Cllr Chris Williams.
“This escalates at weekends and there are two holiday properties who seem to encourage parking on the street.
“They park on the pavement that totally blocks access. On this stretch, that is the only pavement available and I have reported the parking with numerous photos.
“I have asked for a site meeting to address the concerns and look at communicating with the two rental properties that they look for additional parking.
“Safe access for all should be available at all times on this pavement,” he added.
Last month, a submitted written question on the issue of pavement parking was heard by Pembrokeshire County Council’s full council from long-term champion of the issue Haverfordwest Priory county councillor David Bryan.
“Pavement parking is a problem that will not go away. When vehicles are parked on pavements it presents real difficulties for certain elements of society,” he stated.
“A fit and able person no doubt is not affected in the same way as parents with pushchairs, partially sighted people and residents using mobility scooters.
“To go along a pavement that is blocked means they have to step out into a usually busy and dangerous road on immediately curtail their journey.
“Roads are for vehicles. Pavements are for pedestrians.”
His question added: “Selfish motorists who pay no regard to the consequences of their actions have no deterrent it seems.
“An affected person who can’t get past the obstruction phones both the police and the council, and from accounts I have received from residents, neither body seems interested.
“But some public body should be interested.”
He warned: “Not only are lives being put at risk but the damage being done to pavements is costly for the local authority to repair.”
His question added: “I am sure the Leader [Cllr Dvid Simpson] agrees with me that something needs to be done. It is no use waiting for the Welsh Government to take action.
“They started a review in 2019, decided to implement the results of that review in 2021 and then put it off to who knows when,” adding: “The Welsh Government says one of the reasons it has brought in 20mph limits is to encourage people to walk more. Pavement parking bans would surely go hand-in-hand.”