Before the start of the June meeting of Saundersfoot Community Council, the chairman, Clr. Mrs. Rosemary Hayes, welcomed Inspector Clarke, of Tenby Police Station, to address the members.
Inspector Clarke informed members that he commenced in Tenby in October, 2002, and was born in Tenby. He said that he had gained a wide range of experience in policing during his career.
Informing members of the statistics available, he said that last year the overall crime detection rate for Saundersfoot was 65 per cent, which was an excellent figures. The four main categories of crime were classed as violent crimes, burglary, disorder offences and drugs.
With regard to violence, there were 57 offences, which was quite high, mainly due to the Sands Club, and the detection rate was 92 per cent. There were 40 offences for criminal damage and the detection rate for this category was 33 per cent.
Inspector Clarke said there were 13 offences of burglary and the detection rate was only 15 per cent and he was trying to improve on this figure.
There were 32 offences for the possession of drugs, an increase of one on the previous year, but the detection rate was 100 per cent.
He said that skateboarding in Saundersfoot had become a problem, but the Highway Code recommends that skateboarding is safer on pavements.
Inspector Clarke added that Saundersfoot was fortunate to have three excellent officers on duty.
He concluded by stating that he had 26 officers on duty in the area, an increase of two from the previous year.
Chairman Clr. Hayes then asked Inspector Clarke the position regarding traffic wardens, and said that one was rarely seen in Saundersfoot.
Inspector Clark replied that he had two wardens at his disposal and they do visit Saundersfoot occasionally.
Clr. Lawrence said that problems arose mainly at weekends and bank holidays and asked if more policing could be provided at these times.
Clarke said that he had to prioritise the duties of officers and parking offences were deemed minor offences. He said that The Strand was a major problem with regards to illegal parking and several parking tickets had been issued in that area.
Clr. Baker said that crime was fairly low in Saundersfoot, but the residents contribute approximately £170,000 in council tax, and asked if Saundersfoot was getting a fair deal for this contribution.
He thought the main problems in Saundersfoot were anti-social behaviour, speeding and response times made to the police.
Inspector Clarke replied that of that £170,000, £100,000 immediately went on salaries. He thought that Saundersfoot did get value for money as there was a Police Station in the village and officers on duty, but he would report this concern to the next police liaison meeting.
He was of the opinion that speeding did not seem to be a problem in Saundersfoot.
Clr. Hayes said that a census was held on the Ridgeway, but the location was in the wrong place, and thought the problem areas for speeding were the Ridgeway, Stammers Road and Rushy Lake.
Clr. Cleevely then commented that Saundersfoot had a population of 3,500 and Tenby had 5,000, and that Tenby received far more value for money than Saundersfoot.
Inspector Clarke said that in Tenby there were two officers on duty in the evening and two on nights, whereas in Saundersfoot one officer was on duty, but officers doubled up during the busy periods.
Clr. Lawrence asked about under-age drinkers and if anything was being done about these problems.
Inspector Clarke said that he was aware of the problem and officers do challenge these youngsters and inform the school accordingly, but said that he regarded Saundersfoot as a peaceful place and did not see a problem with regard to crime.
Clr. Cleevely asked about parking tickets and said no figures were ever produced.
Inspector Clarke said that these figures were available and would inform members of these at the next meeting.
Clr. Talbot asked Inspector Clarke for his thoughts on bringing back officers on the beat. She said that this had always proved to be a successful way of policing and had been introduced back into other areas with favourable results.
Inspector Clarke said he always tried to promote an officer to walk the beat and they did it when they could in Saundersfoot.
Clr. Baker then summarised the main concerns raised and these included lack of traffic wardens, speeding and anti-social behaviour, and Inspector Clarke said he would report these concerns to officers at their next police liaison meeting.
Chairman Clr. Hayes thanked Inspector Clarke for attending and hoped he would take away the concerns raised and report back at a future meeting.