Plans for an ‘Instagram-friendly’ Haverfordwest signature bridge were deferred this week as there were not enough members of the planning committee present.

An application by Pembrokeshire County Council to demolish the existing footbridge between Riverside and Western Quayside, replacing it with the new bridge had been recommended for approval when it came before the authority’s planning committee on October 3.

The scheme, in the county town’s conservation area, also includes public realm reconfiguration and enhancement; and repair, renewal and refurbishment of the former Cleddau Foundry building.

The application for a ‘signature bridge’ as the central feature of a ‘Cultural Corridor’ is part of the ‘Heart of Pembrokeshire’ levelling-up regeneration project.

It was due to be considered by county planners as one of the later items of a lengthy agenda at its October 3 meeting.

However, the application, along with two other items, fell foul of a lack of committee members present.

The meeting, which had been running for nearly six hours by this point may not be in quorate, members heard after some had earlier left.

Chair of the planning committee Cllr Jacob Williams paused the meeting to establish whether it was still in quorate.

After a 10-minute break, to establish whether a committee member expected to arrive late would be able to make up the numbers, it was found it was still not in quorate.

Cllr Williams apologised to public speakers for the last three agenda items, saying it was hoped they would either be discussed at the November planning committee, or potentially at a special meeting.

“The decision unfortunately is we will have to defer these remaining items on the agenda to the November meeting; I’m sorry to the remaining public speakers who have sat and waited all day, it’s a rotten situation.”

The design of the new bridge has previously been labelled an ‘Instagrammable’ bridge by Councillor Rhys Jordan during a discussion on costs.