At the most recent meeting of Penally Community Council, the clerk read an email received regarding the need for the cleansing of the footpaths around Holloway Court and leading to the Paddock. 

It was agreed that the clerk will contact the Council regarding clearing debris and moss. 

An email was received from Pembrokeshire CC regarding the proposed closure of the public toilets, with the clerk to advise the Authority that consultation is ongoing with the Community and the Community Council are considering options.

In his report, County Councillor Kidney said that PCC have agreed a council tax rise of 12.5 per cent alongside significant budget cuts including a 2 per cent cut in the school’s budget, closing all adult day centres, moving to a different model to support adults. £1.5m was taken out of reserves and will need to be replaced. 

He added that local councils are pressing for progress on the Brynhir development, while PCC Highways section are reviewing the cutting schedule of hedgerows within the Penally community.

Councillor Snow proposed a 7-day speed survey for Penally village to be discussed at the next meeting, on Wednesday, April 10, the Clerk to gather information on options such as speed awareness signs, with quotations.