The following matters were discussed around the table at the most recent meeting of Penally Community Council.

County Councillor for the ward Cllr Philip Kidney reported, in response to an enquiry at the last meeting that it is estimated that there are over 50 second homes within Penally, approximately 20% of the total houses.

At a recent PCC budget seminar, it was reported there is a likely estimated £12 million shortfall in required funding for the Local Authority. The Enhancing Pembrokeshire grant is now open for applications.

Council tenants will have received a questionnaire on the maintenance and repair of their properties, with tenants encouraged to complete the survey.

A salt/grit bin has been ordered for the village to be sited close to the Paddock.

The current flooding issues of the area beyond the ‘Night Owl’ and surrounding roadways is being investigated, with reports of the highest volume of water witnessed in the area.

The Community Council has declared an interest in the future management of the public conveniences at Penally Station, in the meantime PCC will continue to service the toilets until March 2024.

No further works are planned to the footpath leading to Holloway Court.

Cllr Snow reported revised quotes are awaited for the Orchard project. He reported that the Church have proposed the adjoining allotment be cleared and landscaped for a possible Memorial Garden, with quotations to be sought for the work.

The Church will liaise with the Community Council on a possible lease agreement.

Cllr Neal reported he had attended the recent Defence Infrastructure Organisation, Wales & West (Pembrokeshire) Access and Recreation Annual Meeting.

Presentations were made by Major Richard Pope and Major John Poole, who reported that Penally Camp was going through the disposal process. The Range would take longer to deal with due to legacy issues. He concluded by saying the Military had to cut its cloth and invest in sites it can afford to maintain.

Major Poole reported that military training took place over 44 weeks of the year and 72,000 soldiers had trained within the Pembrokeshire Training Area so far this year.

Major Pope explained that Castlemartin, Penally (until disposal), Manorbier and Templeton Ranges were now classed as the Pembrokeshire Training Area.

A request has been made that the stone plaque at the entrance to the Penally Camp be presented to the Community Council.

The switch-on of the village’s Christmas tree lights is due to take place on December 11.