Pembrokeshire County Council will, for the first time since 2009, shortly be reviewing its community electoral arrangements.

Reporting to a meeting of East Williamston Community Council, county councillor for the ward Cllr Jacob Williams told members that this review only relates to the Town and Community Council level, and will look into the various councils' sizes, boundaries, numbers of councillors and warding arrangements where present, all with the aim of seeking to ensure effective and convenient representation at this tier of local government.

“PCC, which is legally required to periodically review arrangements, has engaged the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales to undertake the review on its behalf,” stated Cllr Williams.

“It will have many stages and is expected to take between eighteen months and two years to complete.

“Any agreed changes as a result of the review must be implemented ahead of the next round of local government elections in 2027, and there will be plenty of opportunities for representations to be made, and for opinions to be provided on any draft proposals that emerge from the re-view, by any interested parties or electors,” he continued.

Cllr Williams also thank the County Council's highways department for installing a 'Moreton' name sign, near the bottom of Wooden Hill, facing traffic entering Moreton from Pentlepoir and Wooden.

“For reasons unknown it appears that there has never been a Moreton sign at this location, despite there being one facing traffic entering Moreton from the Tenby direction,” added Cllr Williams.