Two hedgehogs have been given a new lease of life in the Pembrokeshire countryside thanks to Bluestone National Resort and Pembrokeshire Hogspital.
The resort came to the rescue by releasing the hedgehogs at Black Pool Farm, near to its Black Pool Mill dining venue.
The pair had been rescued by the 'hogspital' when they were very young and were rehabilitated before being released.
Marten Lewis, Director of Sustainability at Bluestone and the resort's Ranger Rob Mackeen, collected the them before releasing them.
“The two hedgehogs had been rescued when they were very young and once they reached one year old they needed to be reintroduced to the wild,” said Marten.
“Unfortunately, their original habitat was not suitable so we offered to release them into the countryside at Black Pool Farm which is close to the mill. It's a natural environment for them and a perfect place to start their new lives.”
Marten and Rob collected the pair for Pembrokeshire Hogspital before taking them to the location for release.
“It was heart warming to see them wander off into the countryside. Hedgehogs are a vital part of our eco-diversity and we're pleased we were able to help the hogspital with their vital work,” Rob said.

“We are committed to providing a safe environment for the hedgehogs and have dedicated areas where they will be nurtured and monitored on release to their natural habitat.
“We are thrilled to be a part of this heart warming journey of rehabilitation and release.”
Ginny Batt of Pembrokeshire Hogspital, said: “In my lifetime hedgehog numbers have declined dramatically, from an estimated 35 million to less than 500,000 now.
“They will become extinct if we don’t do something to help them.
“It’s important to make our gardens accessible and hedgehog friendly, covering drains and holes in the ground, reducing the use of garden chemicals, and making sure ponds have exit slopes.
“Hedgehogs are also being affected by climate change, triggering them to hibernate later.
“This means baby hoglets may not survive the winter. Putting out food all year around saves lives.
“If you see them out in the daytime, if they are lethargic, being harmed by birds, dogs or people, please pick up the hedgehog with gloves or a towel, put it in a high sided box with a towel, and water, then contact your local rescue centre.”
Ginny added: “At Pembrokeshire Hogspital we take in over 200 hogs a year, with a small but dedicated team of volunteers.
“Funding and support from Bluestone has been invaluable, helping us with our Hogspital and to set up our South Pembs emergency centre, ‘Pennys Pit Stop’; purchasing equipment, medication and essential supplies. Bluestone also provides an ideal release site for homeless Hedgehogs.
“We are grateful for Bluestone’s support and hope the Hedgehogs released are behaving themselves, we look forward to news of hoglets in the spring.”