The Mencap Gardens on the former Stackpole Estate held their annual Open Day recently, and in spite of heavy rain and the need for Wellington boots, everyone had a good day, with many visitors, including dignitaries from Tenby, Mayor Clr. Mrs. Sue Lane and Deputy Mayor, Clr. Mrs. Tish Rossiter. Also in attendance was Mrs. Catherine Noott, wife of the late Cecil Noott (Mencap, Haverfordwest), whose ideas first inspired the re-opening of the walled gardens as a horticultural centre for adults with learning disabilities. Head gardener, George Batemen, has been at the gardens since the opening of the project in the 1980s, and many of the clients - or 'students' - have been attending for many years, and the gardens have become a way of life for them. A number of the students are based at the Avenue Centre in Tenby, and visit twice a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays. On the Open Day, George was kept busy selling fresh produce in the on-site shop, while other staff showed people around the gardens and answered questions. Members of the management committee served refreshments, while some of the students sold raffle tickets, ran the bric-a-brac and the 'guess the weight of the cake' stall. The Mencap Gardens are open to the public every weekday from 10 am to 4.15 pm; fresh produce and soft fruits are available in season, as well as plants and shrubs. Admission to the gardens is free and for more information contact Maxine on 01646 661442.

Pictured from left are Jim Grey, chairman, Mencap Gardens; Deputy Mayor of Tenby, Clr. Mrs Tish Rossiter; Tenby Mayor, Clr. Mrs. Sue Lane; Brian Griffiths, Mencap gardens committee.
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