Levels of littering in Saundersfoot were once again highlighted this month with a litter pick showing the amount collected from just one morning.

Julie Davies who is part of a team that volunteers around the seaside village, arranging regular litter picks, posted: “Huge thanks to the merry band of pickers and to PCC for coming back to Saundersfoot to pick it all up for us.

“There had been concerns with areas behind Cambrian Terrace, Brooklands place to the bottom of the incline, Regency Car Park and the cut through to Brewery Street.

“Sandyhill Road was covered into the village along with High Street to St Issells church, up to Hean castle and back to the village by Coppet Hall.

“Front beach, the Strand and around the village were also cleaned during the litter pick.”

Items collected that were totted up included - 22 vapes; 378 cigarette butts; 27 glass bottles; 81 cans; a broken deckchair; old event signage; 17 sacks full of food wrappers, takeaway food cartons, cutlery, plus coffee cups; a shoe; three car air fresheners; one large helium balloon with ribbons; nine plastic forks; two bodyboards; seven plastic pint pots; and a handful of beach plastic.

County councillor for the south ward, Cllr Chris Williams who once again gave a helping hand during the litter pick, said that he hoped that Pembrokeshire County Council’s newly appointed Enviro Crime Enforcement officers -Waste Investigations Support and Enforcement (WISE) would help tackle such littering across the county.

Saundersfoot litter pick
Julie Davies who is part of a team that volunteers around the seaside village, arranging regular litter picks posted this pic after the litter-pick (Julie Davies/Facebook)

“This has been put in force following concerns from many across the county,” said Cllr Williams.

“WISE are experienced contractors who carry out enforcement for several local authorities across the UK.

“Patrols have started in Pembrokeshire during August and the WISE officers can issue fixed penalty notices for offences including littering, fly tipping, dog fouling, graffiti, fly-posting and breaches of bye laws relating to dogs on the beach.

“The level of fine can be up to £350. If it is paid within 10 days it is reduced up to £180.

“PCC have stated there will be no bonus schemes relating to the amount of incidents that they report.

“The aim is to drive behaviour change and compliance.”

At the start of September, Cllr Williams said that to date, across Pembrokeshire over 300 fixed penalty notices had already been given since August 24.

“We all know in Saundersfoot that it’s only a small minority that continue to flout the law - no matter how many signs, no matter how many bins, no matter how many education campaigns,” he continued.

“We hope that by having an Enforcement team people will think twice about flaunting the rules.

“The Pembrokeshire public is also being asked to help join the fight against environmental crime by emailing: [email protected]

Cllr Williams said that he had also been working with local police to tackle the matter of flytipping, stating that it was something that PCSOs would also now take up.

“They did inform us that they had prosecuted an individual at the start of the season for fly tipping.

“The two PCSOs would look to support PCC with additional support and look to put stickers on the side of public bins stating that flytipping is an offence and they will be working closely with PCC.

“When I have my meeting with the holiday companies and PCC at the end of September, the PCSO officers will be invited to attend to give their input in making sure we can operate a successful trial in Saundersfoot,” he added.