Pembrokeshire Action for The Homeless (PATH) marked Trustees Week by launching a hunt for new board members.

All registered charities have a board of trustees, responsible for the governance and strategic direction of the organisation and as PATH enters a new phase of expansion, thanks to some major grant-funding, it is seeking committed volunteers to bring their expertise and experience to its operations.

PATH has recently been awarded more than £1million in total from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (Levelling-Up Funding); from the Postcode Lottery and from Nationwide Building Society’s Community Grants fund.

The money will fund a Numeracy Project, to support those at risk of homelessness retain their tenancies by improving their maths and budgeting skills and a Mental Health Counselling project including a Conflict Resolution Service to support PATH’s clients and frontline staff.

The PATH Board of Trustees would welcome new trustees with a variety of professional experience – and especially anyone with lived experience of being homeless.

Managing Director Michael Hooper said:

“This is a very exciting time for PATH. As well as our work supporting and advising people who are homeless and at risk of homelessness – including helping people find accommodation through Pathways Lettings, our social lettings agency, the new grant funding means we are expanding our operations in new and innovative directions, so it’s a great time for anyone who wants to give something back to Pembrokeshire and support a really worthwhile cause to get involved.”

Trustees are all volunteers, who give between two and six hours a month to support and develop the work of the charity.

Information about PATH and about applying to be a trustee can be found at