A large pothole in a Pembrokeshire village has been labelled a ‘major hazard’ to cyclists and motorcyclists by the ward’s county councillor.

At a meeting of East Williamston Community Council recently, county councillor for the area Cllr Jacob Williams said that he had reported the large pothole having reached a dangerous condition on Templebar Road, between the Bush Lane junction and Dorchester Cottage, as a major hazard to cyclists and motorcyclists.

It was inspected and, fortunately, subject of an urgent, permanent repair by Pembrokeshire County Council’s highways department.

Cllr Williams said the repair appears to have been substantial and to a very high standard.

“This is a long-running issue owing to some unique circumstances with the drainage underneath the road, so it will remain to be seen if it reappears in future,” he stated.

“Nearby, a dip in the road at the very end of Bush Lane, right at its junction with Templebar Road, is under observation by PCC’s highways department, however as the road surface is completely intact, and it is situated where a vehicle could not possibly travel over it at speed, it is not being treated as a high priority,” he added.