The stage was set for Llanteg’s first combined Show and Fun Day on Saturday, August 12.

Come Saturday morning, one of the large marquees was uplifted by a strong gust of wind and, with further strong winds forecast, it was decided on safety grounds to abandon the marquees and revert to plan B.  

With grateful thanks to Tony and Jane Baron who had given the option of using their Conference Centre at Llanteglos, the Show was rapidly relocated.  Messages were sent to the community to advise that the Fun Day would be scaled back, but the Summer Show would go on!

Exhibit at Llanteg Show
(Roy James)

With much appreciation to the organisers of the Craft and Garden Show, a steady stream of entrants set up their exhibits during the morning, and by noon the judging of the 200+ entries began across a range of categories including art and craft (covering children and adults), carving, flowers, fruit, vegetables, cakes and jams.  

Exhibit at Llanteg Show
(Roy James)

Judging over, the Show opened at 2pm, and, despite the weather, a large throng gathered to see the entries.  A small and dedicated group of volunteers worked tirelessly to serve hot drinks, cake and biscuits, and many stayed to chat with friends and neighbours, old and new.  A raffle was also held, raising over £250 towards the ongoing improvements at the Village Hall.

Exhibit at Llanteg Show
(Roy James)

Hall Chairman Sam Lander said: “Despite the weather doing its best to ruin things, the unstoppable Llanteg community spirit shone through, and, whilst the planned events for the Fun Day did not occur, a fun day was still had by all, wrapped around an excellent Show. Congratulations to the many talented entrants, and much thanks go to: E C Thomas & Son for sponsoring our advert, to the judges, to those who provided raffle prizes, to the organisers, the many volunteers and also to our hosts.  Yet again we proved that together we are stronger!”