As we near the end of another typical November, Thomas Hood’s famous poem, ‘November’ comes to mind (writes Janice G):

No sun – no moon! No morn – no noon – No dawn – no dusk – no proper time of day…

No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease, No comfortable feel in any member… November!

But in Penally Village Hall on November 20 there was plenty of warmth and cheerfulness at our six Duplicate Bridge tables.

The hall had been decorated with Christmas bunting and we had been happily choosing our menus for our forthcoming Christmas party/lunch (big thanks to Brenda for organising this.) Certain members are already savouring the prospect of Jam Roly-Poly with Custard for ‘afters’.

Top players sharing the honours were Dods and Brian (special congratulations to them for a vast improvement on their previous scores) and Dave and Doug, both pairs scoring 61.31%. Noteworthy too were a slam in Clubs for 1370 points by Geoff and Paul V and a successful defeat of a 5C contract by 4 for Julian and Julie. What an afternoon!

If you would like to join us on a Monday afternoon at 1.15 in Penally Village Hall, you would be very welcome. If you don’t have a partner, please contact Brenda on 01834 812132 and she may be able to help.