As Llangwm prepares to open its sixth literary festival, Ukraine remains a focus for the friendly Cleddau Village.

“A lot of people still want to help Ukraine,” says Michael Pugh, Director of the Festival. “So we are organising a raffle in aid of DEC Ukraine as part of our Songs, Poems and Pints evening on August 11, 2023. We have a range of prizes such as prints from local artists to locally-grown produce.”

“In fact, the village is so supportive that the team at the Cottage Inn have decided to put on a Ukrainian banquet offering delicious blinis, borscht and vodka (and that’s just the starters).”

With the aim of understanding more what’s going on in Russia and Ukraine, Llangwm has pulled off something of a coup by securing Dr Jade McGlynn, who is fresh back from Ukraine, and will talk about her two new books ‘Russia’s War’ and ‘Memory Makers’. Jade has analysed a vast amount of new material to try to unpick what Russians are thinking of their masters. In ‘Memory Makers’ McGlynn looks at how Putin’s regime has rewritten the past to prepare Russia’s return to Empire.

Llangwm’s programme is nothing if not diverse and for the first time, the punchy little festival will welcome the National Poet of Wales, Hanan Issa (pictured). The Welsh-Iraqi poet will be reading from her works, including ‘My Body can House Two Hearts’ and talking poems, heritage and identity.

“We always like to have a positive note,” adds Pugh with a smile, “so we are really excited to welcome the environmental activist, Robin Hanbury-Tenison.” Robin’s book ‘Taming of the Four Horsemen’ identifies the four horses of the apocalypse that threaten life on earth as we know it (Pandemics, War, Famine and Death) and holds out a sustainable solution to conserve it for future generations.

In addition, there will be fun for all the family, poetry, music, books galore, art, events for children, foraging and lots more.

The 2023 Llangwm Literary Festival takes place between August 11 and 13, in Llangwm. For more information on the festival, contact [email protected], or visit the website,