An enormous Grande Lady, sumptuously brocaded and dressed for the Christmas Ball, glides effortlessly as if propelled from beneath, onto the stage. She is fifteen feet tall and eight feet wide and has arrived to tell a magical story which emerges act by act from the little theatre that opens up within her skirts.

The wondrous Christmas tale unfolds with the actors below performing acrobatic feats, globe walking on snowballs, china plate spinning, musical saw playing, hat juggling and more as the Grande Dame takes on the roles of a snow queen and a wicked step mother.
Dress Up For Christmas is a wonderful adventure through fairy tale and pantomime with lots of audience participation and slapstick to entertain all ages. Mother Christmas herself may even make an appearance whilst looking for a reindeer to pull her sleigh!

Circo Rum Ba Ba presents Dress Up For Christmas, a fun-filled family show with music, acrobatics, juggling and slapstick comedy, at the De Valence Pavilion, Upper Frog Street, Tenby on Saturday, December 23, at 2pm. Entry is £5 on the door.