Tenby and District Arts Club enjoyed a concert and met some alpacas recently. On Friday, they’ll be learning about a famous Tenby artist.

Tenby & District Arts Club Members meeting the alpacas at Ash Farm, near Stepaside.
(Pic supplied)

Arts Club members were thrilled by a concert given by Mark Thompson accompanying Lucy and Marilla Evans, whose singing was glorious! Doubtless they will be invited to entertain the club again.

On Saturday, November 25 some members visited Ash Farm, near Stepaside, to meet some alpacas - quite a departure from the usual Friday evening meeting.

“Interestingly, when you've seen one alpaca, you haven’t seen them all”, remarked Judy Davies. “They’re as varied as we are.”

Tenby Arts Club members meeting alpacas at Ash Farm, Stepaside
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Feeding an alpaca
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On Friday, December 1, Mark Lewis will be talking about Augustus John, an artist much beloved of Tenby residents. That will be in St John’s Church Hall, Warren Street, Tenby, at 7pm. Members £3, non-members £5, refreshments included; a warm welcome for all.