Parents of Year 6 pupils in Pembrokeshire will need to apply for a secondary school place for September 2024 by the closing date of December 20.

Applications received after this date will be considered late which may have a bearing on whether the child gets a place at his/her preferred school.

There is no automatic admission to a secondary school, even if they are living in catchment – an application must be made.

Parents of pupils in Year 6 at Ysgol Penrhyn Dewi, Ysgol Bro Preseli or Ysgol Caer Elen do not need to apply as they are attending 3 to 16 schools and it is assumed they will remain in their current schools.

However, if parents wish to apply for a different secondary school they must apply within the deadlines noted above.

It is important to note that a school place will not be allocated unless a formal application is received.

The online application form can be found on the Pembrokeshire County Council website under ‘Apply for a School Place’.

Parents/guardians will be informed of the allocation of places on the common offer date of March 1, 2024.