Nearly 100 children from four primary schools brought a warm Christmas glow to a very chilly December evening at Pembroke Dock’s Market building.

They took part in a special musical evening arranged by Pembroke and District Male Voice Choir – a first such event in the community.

Choirs from Pennar, Lamphey, Golden Grove and Pembroke Dock Community Schools performed individually as did the 50-strong Pembroke Dock Community Choir and the Male Voice.

The school choir at Golden Grove/Gelli Aur in Pembroke sang along with other cluster schools, and the Pembroke and District Male Voice Choir at Pembroke Dock Market Hall. What a festive way for the community to celebrate Christmas approaching together. They had everyone rocking around the Christmas tree. Da iawn plant!
(Golden Grove School / Ysgol Gelli Aur)

All the choirs came together at the end to send Christmas spirits soaring by performing ‘Rocking around the Christmas tree’, with the large audience joining in.

Principal organiser, the Male Voice’s Dave Halsted, was delighted with the success of the evening.

“In past years we have arranged a school choir competition in the spring but this year we have done something different and it has proved very successful,” he said. “Thanks to all the choirs, teachers and so many parents and friends who supported us on a very cold evening.”

Dave thanked the Pembrokeshire Gin Company for providing the venue free of charge and looked forward to the event being staged again next year.

All the children went home with gifts handed out by Father Christmas (the senior chorister Frank Harries) ably assisted by two elves - Alyson Griffiths and Jenny John. MC for the evening was the Male Voice’s Matthew John.