Education Cabinet Secretary Lynne Neagle MS has officially opened Waldo Williams Primary school in Haverfordwest.

The £3.5 million refurbishment of the former Ysgol Glan Cleddau School at Scarrowscant Lane followed the amalgamation of Mount Airey Infants and Haverfordwest Church in Wales VC Juniors to form Waldo Williams CP School.

This represents further investment in Pembrokeshire’s school estate with the project being funded by Welsh Government and Pembrokeshire County Council as part of the Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme.

Waldo Williams CP School moved to its new premises in February 2022 following a refurbishment programme which included internal remodelling and refurbishment, mechanical and electrical upgrade and external insulation to the roof and walls.

The Minister was welcomed to the school on January 30 by Cllr. Steve Alderman, the Chairman of Pembrokeshire County Council, and Headteacher Alan Davies.

Mr Davies said that the investment from Welsh Government and Pembrokeshire County Council had produced an excellent educational facility and that it “had resulted in a modern, stimulating environment which had enabled the school to fulfil its core values and its commitment not only to academic success but also to personal growth and development”.

Before unveiling a plaque, Lynne Neagle told pupils: “I am delighted that the Welsh Government has been able to support the refurbishment of Waldo Williams Primary School through our Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme.
Before unveiling a plaque, Lynne Neagle told pupils: “I am delighted that the Welsh Government has been able to support the refurbishment of Waldo Williams Primary School through our Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme. (Pic supplied)

Before unveiling a plaque, Lynne Neagle told pupils: “I am delighted that the Welsh Government has been able to support the refurbishment of Waldo Williams Primary School through our Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme.

“We want to give our learners the best environment in which to learn and this modernised school will provide our young learners with the strongest of foundations, creating a space where they can all flourish. I want to thank everyone at the school for such a warm welcome.”

She later toured the school.

PCC’s Cabinet Member for Education and the Welsh Language, Cllr. Guy Woodham, said that he was delighted to be able to celebrate the opening of the school.