A Tenby ‘fraudster’ described as a ‘most thoroughly dishonest man’ has been told to expect a very substantial prison sentence after being found guilty of 27 charges.

Sixty-two-year-old Darryl Evans, of Green Court Crescent, Tenby, was found guilty of 26 charges of fraud and one of theft following a trial lasting almost three weeks at Swansea Crown Court.

The court head that the offences were committed in Pembrokeshire under the Fraud Act 2006.

Judge Paul Thomas KC described the defendant as a ‘most thoroughly dishonest man’ before setting a sentencing date of Friday, January 5, before telling Evans: “You will be receiving on that date a very substantial prison sentence measuring in many years.”

Judge Thomas thanked the jury for their efforts, prosecutor Robin Rouch, and defence counsel Jim Davis for their work during the trial, also adding: “The police investigation is to be highly commended.”