On a blustery Wednesday in October, Carew WI welcomed John Hardwicke and Ellie Morgan who were representing the Welsh Air Ambulance Charity. John outlined the history of the Charity since its beginnings in 2000/2001. WAA relies on the generosity of the people of Wales to fund it with some Government funding to cover the cost of the medical staff on board. Now operating from their Head Quarters in Dafen near Llanelli, the four Red helicopters cover all of Wales, 24/7 and 365 days a year with a trauma doctor or surgeon on board. It is the busiest and most advanced service dedicated to “saving lives by saving time.”

John volunteers as a speaker having spent time serving with the WAA and his eloquence, passion and dedication was evident in his talk. Marilyn thanked him on behalf of members who thoroughly enjoyed his talk. He was accompanied by Ellie who also volunteers.

After tea was served members began the formal part of the meeting with the singing of Jerusalem followed by a minutes silence in memory of our late Queen Elizabeth. Earlier in the afternoon members planted a crab apple tree in the grounds of the Memorial Hall to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee. Now of course it also becomes a memorial to our late Queen and a token of thanks from Carew WI for the support she has given to the NFWI throughout her reign.

The minutes were read, sanctioned and signed. Marnie was thanked for arranging the display for Pisgah Chapel Flower Festival on behalf of the WI. Rosemary is looking into options for the Christmas lunch. A thank you letter was received from the Sandy Bear Childrens Bereavment Charity for the £155 donation from the Jubilee Tea event.

The raffle was won by Dorothy. The Competition - Autumn Flower arrangement - was won by Ruth with Bronwen second.

The next meeting will be the AGM and Harvest lunch starting at the earlier time of 1pm.