A call to fill the role of Town Crier for Tenby has been echoed once again.

The role has been left vacant since 2022, when previous Town Crier Jim Cornwell stepped aside, with a search by the Town Council for a new name, so far proving fruitless.

The matter was up for discussion again at this month’s meeting, as well as thoughts on seeking someone for the Sergeant at Arms role, after stalwart of ceremonies and events in Tenby - John Morgan announced at the end of last year that he would be standing down after 25 years.

Cllr. Sam Skyrme-Blackhall said that she’d had another conversation with a gentleman who had expressed an interest in the role of Sergeant at Arms, who was still interested.

It was suggested that the Clerk have a conversation with him with a view to him being officially recommended to the Town Council.

In relation to the post of Town Crier, Deputy Mayor Cllr. Charles Dale said he’d had conversations with two generations of the late Mr. John Thomas’ family and neither were prepared to follow in their father’s and grandfather’s footsteps.

Cllr Skyrme-Blackhall said she was happy to step in to the role as and when needed in the interim.

It was suggested that the Town Council keep asking around and hopefully someone would come forward.

Cllr. James Phillips noted that the late John Thomas had travelled around the world taking part in competitions.

As he was a member of the Guild of Town Criers, he suggested it might it be worth offering subscription to the Guild to someone who takes on the role. They may also be able to help in recruitment.

Cllr. Phillips asked if there was an age limit, and could TTC approach Greenhill School to see if any students were interested?

It was pointed out that the Town Crier before last was a gentleman in his 20s, so there was no real age restriction.

The Town Crier is appointed by the Town Council not only to make official proclamations but also to emcee Civic functions, announce events like fairs taking place and fulfil an important public relations role for the town.

If you have ‘plenty to shout about’ to take on the role for the historic seaside town.- contact the Town Council at their offices at the De Valence Pavilion, Upper Frog Street, Tenby, SA70 7JD or get in touch via the council’s website.