TENBY Sailing Club dinghy racing results: Midweek Series, Tuesday, 7 May - 1, Osprey 1380, Dan Jackson and Matt Goldwait; 2, Osprey 1232, Richard Johns and Alastair Knibb; 3, Redwing 228, Bill and Nan Dowell; 4, Moth 3848, Robin Wood.
It was a beautiful evening afloat. Thanks to Dewi for setting two great reaches in his first time flying solo, well done.
The West Wales Dragon Series Regatta in Neyland on 11/12 May gave Tenby Sailing Club members great results.
Division 1: 1, Jon Nuttall. Out of seven races sailed, Jon had four firsts.
Division 2: 1, Amelia Nuttall; 2, Isabelle Nuttall. Amelia won all seven races, and Isabelle had four second places.
Sunday, 12 May: In superb conditions,Jon Mckellar broke his mainsheet attachment, Robin snapped the mast on his moth, leaving Dan Jackson and Matt Goldwait in Osprey 1380 to pip Steve Leach in his RS600.
The gloomy easterly gave way to SW 3-4, occasionally more, with periods of sunshine. It was beautiful. Just the one race as Robin needed a tow in.
After weeks of strong winds and rain, the first two races of the cruiser racing season have had to be cancelled due to lack of wind.
Last Saturday’s Quiz in the clubhouse was postponed until Saturday, 18 May, at 8pm.

On Thursday, Tenby Sailing Club engaged in an event led by Dyfed Powys Police to tag their safety boat fleet and tractor with SelectDNA which will helps safeguard their vital equipment from criminality in the harbour. Tenby Neighbourhood Policing Team have been thanked for organising the event.
Six Tenby Sailing Club members undertook a Royal Yachting Association Diesel Engine Course last Saturday led by Ceri from Swansea Watersports, kindly hosted by SSC.
The training will support the maintenance and running of the club's committee boat which is fitted with a diesel engine.
A Tenby Sailing Club safety fleet training day organised for 18 May for members to familiarise themselves with all the aspects of running waterborne activities will start in the clubhouse at 9am.
Information available from [email protected]