Years of hard work were rewarded when Pembroke 21C Community Association's Holyland Wood Project was officially opened for everyone to enjoy. Local residents joined the project team members at the site as lifelong resident of Pembroke, John Russell, cut the ribbon at the opening event. Holyland Wood is one of the community projects being developed by Pembroke 21C Community Association. The woods have been leased from the owners Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas-Ferrand, of Tenby, for the benefit of the community. With almost £150,000 funding from Cydcoed - Woods for All, the £16 million Forestry Commission Wales grant programme funded by the EU (Objective One) and Welsh Assembly Government, Pembroke 21C have improved permissive access to the site with a range of paths and a boardwalk which will allow both locals and visitors the opportunity to enjoy the spectacular wildlife that is just minutes away from a busy urban setting. The project has also received funding from Environment Wales, National Grid, International Tree Foundation and Countryside Council for Wales. After the formalities, those attending were given a guided walk around the site to see first-hand the improvements made and to appreciate the special qualities of this site which will be run as a wildlife reserve.