A meeting was held earlier this month to discuss Ten Towns - LEADER funding (£100,000) and a possible additional car park within Whitland.

In attendance were three representatives from Whitland Town Council, three Carmarthenshire County Council Officers, Whitland County councillor and two members of the steering group.

Once again the Whitland Town Council was asked to re-consider its decision not to assist with the funding of the car park on the proposed St Mary Street site. Cllr Davies-Scourfield reiterated that councillors are not opposed to a car park in any part of Whitland, having put forward two alternative sites which would come well within budget if approved, but…

  • Professional advice warned that the development on that site would cost more than the grant being offered, with no guarantee that the extra monies spent by the Whitland Town Council would be refundable.

  • The developers of the site are already considering putting a public car park on the proposed site

  • Whitland Town Council does not wish to pay towards a business development with public money.

A public consultation is being held with Carmarthenshire County Council Officers asking business owners in Whitland if they consider there is a need for extra vehicle parking in St Mary Street or if they have any other projects that they consider would be of assistance to the town.

A Ten Towns - Digital Project meeting was held relating to the launch of the Community Website – managed by two residents of Whitland. It was agreed that a ‘launch day’ will be held. All businesses will be invited to have a preview of the site and ask any questions they may have. The on-going costs of the site (£450 per annum) will be met by the funds paid by local businesses to advertise on the site.

WC vandalism

Recent correspondence to Whitland Town Council included an email raising concern relating to the closure of the public toilets in Whitland. 

Owing to the recent acts of vandalism against the public toilets in Whitland, the toilets are locked. The Clerk advised that an apology letter and the requisite £12 towards the cost of a replacement lock had been received from the person who had caused the damage.

Following a lengthy discussion Cllr S McDowall proposed that following the half term holidays the toilets to be unlocked from 9.30 am to 2.30pm on weekdays, with the situation being monitored and if further vandalism is caused, they are to be re-locked.; Cllr Davies-Scourfield seconded the proposal with all councillors in full support.

Consideration to be given into charging for the use of the toilets. This will be considered at a later meeting.

Drainage concerns

Several emails were sent to Whitland Town Council regarding the inadequate surface water drains along the main street in Whitland. The Clerk contacted Carmarthenshire County Council with two Officers attending on site. Following a site meeting it was agreed that the county council will carry out various investigations as to the best way to eradicate the problem of water pooling on the road. It was suggested by the Officers that the drains will be removed and large open drains are placed in the problematic areas.

School governor

Whitland Town Council has been advised that there is a vacancy for one Additional Community Governor on the Governing Body of Ysgol Llys Hywel and that it is therefore necessary for the council to consider filling the vacancy. The vacancy can only be filled through nomination from the Town Council, but the nominee does not need to be a Community Councillor. There were no nominations at this time.

Park improvements

The Tree Safety Officer at Carmarthenshire County Council has advised the Clerk that problematic trees at Pocket Park can be removed, at a cost to Whitland Town Council, as they were not intended to have been left to grow so tall. He is in agreement with the recent tree report and that any works should be carried out in the next five years.

On behalf of the Grounds Management Working Party, Cllr L Shipton reported that the signs ready advising of the age limit of children using the play equipment were ready to be installed in the park.

Concerns are still being raised of older children using the play equipment - hopefully the sign and CCTV will help this situation. Plans are to be drafted regarding the long term management and designs for the land under the Whitland Town Council’s management at Tevaughn.

On the agenda

Next meeting, Whitland Town Council will consider how best to celebrate the King’s Coronation - a tea party, something for teenagers/older children, one night of celebration – provisionally on the Sunday evening... Ideas should be sent to the Clerk prior to the March 2023 meeting. Council will also consider electric banking and continue with the process of co-option.