ON Monday, the Tenby Project Coffee Morning in Augustus Place Community Hall was very busy – all the regulars came and kept people busy making drinks, organising the raffle and chatting to everyone. Even the Mayor and her grandson popped in!

At lunchtime, it was decided that some people would have eggy bread and some scrambled eggs. The Eggy Bread went down well, and it will be done again! A visitor from North Wales who runs a similar project popped in for a chat and hopefully the Tenby Project will be able to make links with his group.

In the afternoon, the Tenby Project was supposed to be going up to the museum, but unfortunately due to illness, the trip had to be cancelled. After a bit of sorting out of craft materials, and welcoming guests from Tenby Avenue Centre, it was decided to put on a film, and ‘Black Beauty’ was chosen. The film is quite different to the television series. People tried weaving, used a seated exercise bike and did some painting while watching the film.

Next Monday, December 5, after the usual coffee morning, the Tenby Project is starting to get ready for its end of year celebrations. Everyone is welcome to come along for a cup of tea or coffee, biscuits and a friendly chat.