Manorbier Village Show had all the right ingredients last Saturday. Bright coloured bunting, the heavy scent of fresh flowers, oddly shaped vegetables, beautiful baby photographs and best of all, a brilliant blue sky and warm sunshine.

Manorbier and District Gardening Club enjoyed their first Village Show on September 15 at Skrinkle Community Centre. Not always easy to find for strangers, a mile outside the village, it is a worthwhile journey for the airy light rooms, vast car park and panoramic views of sea and cliffs.

Inside, the rooms held a terrific display of flowers and vegetables, including dahlias, hydrangeas and orchids. Bowls of herbs smelled sweet against the huge onions and marrows, and children showed their skills with cakes and model gardens. Art and photography were well displayed around the walls.

In the Tea Room, ladies made cream teas for the constant stream of customers enjoying the exhibits. Returning to Manorbier after some years, Haydn Jones, first chairman and founder member of the Gardening Club, presented rosettes and cups to the winners. He was delighted to see how the club had grown in numbers and enthusiasm.

The Manorbier Garden Centre Cup and Pat Griffiths Cup were presented to Alan Butler and Hilary Alexander as joint winners of the 'Best in Show Award'. Coldey Mwandiarbira won the Cup for best Child entrant.

Judges for the day were Julie Harris - cookery; Joan Giles - floral art; Carol Brinton Thomas - art and photography; and Chris Barrington - flowers and vegetables.

Chairperson Patricia Price thanked the many people who worked so hard to organise the Show including the school which helped the children with their exhibits. She hoped the Show would be the first of many more enjoyable events.

The October meeting of the club will be held as usual at Manorbier Village Hall on the second Wednesday of the month, October 10, at 7.30 pm.

The speaker will be Carrie Thomas from Swansea and her topic is 'Bugs in the Garden'. November's speaker will be Ty Davies, head gardener at Clyne Gardens, Swansea. Members and newcomers are very welcome.