A six-times mayor of Haverfordwest has resigned after nearly 20 years on the town council.
Alan Buckfield, who is currently on an extended visit to friends and family in Australia, said: “I decided last November that May would be a good time to leave the council.
“I would have completed my sixth term as mayor over a few months short of 20 years’ service to the town. I mentioned this decision to the clerk and several other close friends on the council.
“I informed council of my decision at the March meeting but said that I would leave after three outstanding items had been resolved.
“I stated that whatever happened I would definitely leave no later than December, the month I joined Haverfordwest Town Council in 2003.”
He finished: “With other family and health commitments it will be November before I can guarantee attending a meeting, so I thought it best to retire now.”
Scenes of pandemonium, including three councillors resigning and Cllr Buckfield – as Mayor – being called a disgrace to the town, broke out during the March town council election of the mayor for the forthcoming year.
Councillor Jill Owens, a decorated former police sergeant who was once forced to resign after falling for an armed robber, replaced Cllr Buckfield as mayor at that meeting.
Cllr Owens, had previously served as Deputy Mayor, a role traditionally seen as leading to becoming mayor the following year.
Despite there been no argument about Cllr Owens’ fitness for the role, the March meeting of the town council contained an agenda item considering applications for the 2023-24 mayor, with both Cllr Owens and Cllr Rhys Evans listed.
After an at-times heated meeting Cllr Owens became mayor for the ’23-’24 year.
The town council is to hold elections for two vacancies on its Castle ward, with a closing date for nominations of July 21, details for any applicants may be found on the town council website.
The town council also has a casual vacancy to represent its Priory ward, with a closing date of August 1, and similar vacancy for its Garth ward.