A call for Pembrokeshire to review its policy of selling resident ‘parking permits’ to holidaymakers is expected to be turned down by senior councillors.

A notice of motion by Tenby county councillor for the North ward Cllr Michael Williams, to be heard by Pembrokeshire County Council’s Cabinet on Monday, July 3, asks that: “PCC immediately cease issuing parking permits to other than permanent residents.”

The motion was previously submitted to Pembrokeshire’s full council before being referred to Cabinet.

Cllr Williams added: “The situation in certain areas of Tenby are now extremely difficult for residents, many of whom are afraid to use their vehicles as there is little chance that upon return they will be able to find anywhere to park.

“Often vehicles with visitor permits will be parked for periods of seven to 14 days completely blocking residents from parking.

“Suitable parking is available in nearby car parks, and the removal of this facility would make life a great deal easier for the few remaining long-suffering residents that have not been priced out of the town.

“In certain areas it appears that the number of permits issued sometime exceed the number of spaces available.

“The issuing of permits to second home-owners should also be critically reviewed, with an audit of the impact on full term residents undertaken.

“The critical importance of tourism is recognised but there is also a cost which has never been evaluated. The inability of residents to avail themselves of such a basic facility for which they pay is but one example of that cost.”

The visitor permit fee has recently been increased from £40 to £50 a week, following Cabinet approval in February.

A report for members states: “The concerns raised by Cllr Williams are valid and understood in terms of the difficulty for residents and their ability to park.

“However, the analysis of permits issued seems to suggest the numbers are relatively low, and there is no mechanism for restricting wider visitor parking in non-resident parking bays anyway (and if displacement were to occur as a result of a policy change).

“There is also the potential issue of blocking residents from having a visitor permit for legitimate reason, such as for families and friends to visit.

“However, given the restricted time period of the data set, it would seem beneficial to undertake further monitoring over this season and additional analysis before finalising any recommended way forward.”

Four options are highlighted in the report:

• no change;

• no change with further monitoring and review;

• only one valid permit ‘active’ per property;

• amending the order to prohibit the sale of visitor permits.

It is recommended that the Notice of Motion is not supported, but monitoring takes place over the next six months, with reports back to Cabinet following the tourist season.