Following much discussion at January’s meeting of Saundersfoot Community Council, the draft Precept was projected to demonstrate an 8 per cent increase.

At the meeting, all councillors confirmed that they had received a copy of the draft budget.

Clr. Phil Baker suggested that the Community Council consider some elements of the budget be funded from reserves. It was therefore proposed that the grass cutting in the cemeteries be paid for from accumulative monies built up from burial and memorial fees (£11,000); therefore, splitting the grounds maintenance costs covered by the Precept - from £8,000 to £2,000 - to cover the grass cutting of areas around the Saundersfoot Ward.

The grass cutting contract for the cemeteries would be paid from the accumulative cemetery funds - leaving the extra works within the cemeteries budget at £5,000 and grass cutting in the cemeteries budget at £6,000.

The Clerk advised members that an extension to the existing paths is required in the new cemetery and that the accumulative funds were required for such. Councillors considered that these works would cost in the region of £5,000.

The continuation of payments to the Regency Hall, after December 2022, would be considered nearer the date it was decided – but it was agreed that the funds to remain in the budget.

Clr. Boughton-Thomas proposed that the Budget for Saundersfoot Community Council for 2022-23 be £108,756.00 with a precept request to Pembrokeshire County Council of £87,676.50 only.

Clr. Martyn Williams seconded the proposal with all councillors in full agreement.