Repairs to the poor car park surface next to Kilgetty Community Centre are being considered.

At a previous meeting of Kilgetty and Begelly Community Council it was confirmed that the road between the A477 roundabout and the car park is owned by the Co-op.

County Councillor for the ward, Cllr Alistair Cameron gave an update on the issue at the most recent meeting of theCommunity Council.

“Thank you to the Clerk who has written to property agents of the Co-op about repairing the car park surface. The Co-op have advised that they will be taking this project on,” said Cllr Cameron.

“I have had further complaints about the potholes in the car park, so we need to continue to raise this with the Co-op.

“I have also had concerns over the safety of dog walkers using this road coming into conflict with motorists going both ways, although there are one-way signs on the road.

“I therefore believe we need to also raise concerns over the safety of this road with the Co-op.

“I understand, through Cllr Long that it is the intention to provide ‘No Entry’ signs on the Community Centre land by the drive at the front of the building to prevent vehicles entering from the west side,” he added.