The following planning applications were discussed at the recent meeting of Saundersfoot Community Council:
NP/23/0292/FUL: Alterations and extensions to dwelling with various fenestration amendments, at White Oaks, Frances Road, Saundersfoot, SA69 9AH.
Following consideration of all the information provided by the Planning Authority, Saundersfoot Community Council noted the large size of the proposed alterations but considered that several properties within the vicinity of White Oaks have been developed in the same manner, therefore councillors did not raise any concerns and supported the planning application.
NP/23/0113/FUL: First floor extension over existing garage and car port to create annexe to provide additional habitable accommodation that is to be used solely in conjunction with the use of the main existing dwelling, at Checkley House, Westfield Road, Saundersfoot, SA69 9JQ
Councillors did not raise any concerns and supported the application.