The following planning applications were considered by members of Penally Community Council at their recent meeting...

• 23/0519/PA: Replace front lounge window with french door and side screens to the first floor lounge at the front elevation with a proposed juliet glass balustrade balcony, at 33 Penally Heights, Penally SA70 7QP - Following consideration of the information presented, Cllr Neal proposed Penally Community Council have no objections to the application, Cllr Walsh seconded the proposal all Cllrs in agreement.

• 23/0566/PA: Variation of condition 1 (time limit for commencement of development) to planning permission 18/0314/PA (conversion/renovation and change of use from former nightclub into 31 bed nursing home) at the former DJs nightclub, Penally Village Road, Penally, SA70 7RE - Following consideration of the information presented, Cllr Neal proposed Penally Community Council have no objections to the application, however consideration should be given to the length of time the building is empty. Additionally, the ongoing issue of there being no current footpath alongside the road in front of the property. Cllr Walsh seconded the proposal all Cllrs in agreement.

• 23/0575/PA: Installation of solar photovoltaic panels, at Kiln Park Holiday Centre, Marsh Road, SA70 7RB - Following consideration of the information presented, Cllr Walsh proposed Penally Community Council have no objections to the application, Cllr Rilstone seconded the proposal all Cllrs in agreement.

Planning application notices were received as follows:

21/0755/PA 28, Penally Heights, SA70 7QP (Conditionally approved).

23/0434/PA Bayview, Giltar Terrace, Penally, SA70 7QD (Conditionally approved).