Motorists, cyclists and walkers are urged to take care on Pembrokeshire’s roads and paths - after cases of people putting themselves at risk by ignoring closure and warning signage.

Pembrokeshire County Concil has highlighted examples of vehicles becoming stranded by trying to travel along the Gumfreston Road - in and out of Tenby - despite warnings, it is flooded.

A severe flood warning has been issued by Natural Resources Wales for the River Ritec; whilst the Gumfreston Road has been closed between Gumfreston and Tenby as the water levels covering it continue to rise.

The flood warning for the river is becoming as high as we saw during Storm Ciaran and there have been numerous flood alerts over the last few days. There are also flood warnings for Solva.

The Shared Use Path between Wisemans Bridge and Coppet Hall has also been closed for several weeks, following Storm Ciaran which impacted Pembrokeshire in November.

The path has been closed to ensure the safety of the general public, as there is considered to be significant likelihood of further rock falls.

The rock face now needs to be made safe and the Council has organised a specialist to assess the cliff face above the path and a geotechnical expert to review the area just before Christmas.

The outcome of this survey work is now being assessed in terms of the need for further cliff stabilisation work.

However, the path remains closed due to the unsafe nature of the cliffs.

At Bowet Hill, Hundleton, water run-off escaping fields and fallen trees are a concern, with the road subject to restrictions at this time.

“Highway teams are on site and reviewing the matter further, as well as investigating responsibility for trees either side of the road,” said a spokesperson for Pembrokeshire County Council.

“We are currently seeing surface water flooding across Pembrokeshire.

“Please visit the Public Health Wales website for advice and information on the public health impact of flooding.

The Council spokesperson continued: “The weather conditions over the past week have led to issues on a number of our roads and paths.

“We are sorry where some sections are closed, but this is necessary on safety grounds.

“We would please ask all users to respect the closures in place, which are for the safety of the public, and use the diversions that are in place.”