Attended by some thirty members and guests, the annual church service of the Gild of Freemen of Pembroke took place on 27th November at St Mary’s church, Pembroke.

At the service, conducted by the Gild Chaplain Rev’d Canon Roger Jones, a most thoughtful and memorable address was delivered by the guest preacher the Very Rev’d Jonathan Lean, previous Dean of St Davids and a Burgess of Haverfordwest.

St Mary’s church choir was present and sang the anthem “In a world where people walk in darkness”, words by Robert Willis music by John Harper. The lessons were read by the Master of the Gild Cllr Dennis Evans and the Gild Clerk Mr Ian Jones.

Amongst the guests of the Gild were the Chair of Pembrokeshire County Council, County Cllr Pat Davies and her Consort Mr Peter Davies; the Mayor of Pembroke Dock, Cllr Pamela George and her Consort Mrs Maureen Colgan; the Master of the Haverfordwest Gild of Freemen, Mr Charles Davies.

Following the service, the annual luncheon took place at The Coach House Hotel Pembroke. The Master of the Gild delivered his speech and thanked all involved in the service and luncheon. He reviewed events of the previous twelve months from the perspective of both the Gild and the wider world, with particular reference to the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Pictured are Master of the Gild Cllr Dennis Evans with the guest preacher the Very Rev’d Jonathan Lean.