Vandals that have caused damage at Tenby’s War Memorial garden have been condemned by the town’s Mayor as ‘mindless and barbaric’.

A new flag pole which had only been put up a matter of days in the gardens was found snapped on Saturday morning with the Union Jack flag stolen,

“Unfortunately some time last night (Friday) mindless and barbaric vandalism was caused at our peaceful and respected memorial gardens,” said Tenby Mayor, Cllr Dai Morgan.

“Not only have the individual/individuals gone out of their way to access the gardens they have also broken the newly installed flag pole in several places. They have also stolen the flag attached. This is totally unacceptable and I’m hoping the properties close by can check any CCTV they may have.

“Police have been informed and I ask if anyone did see anything to please report it to Dyfed-Powys Police via 101.

“Tenby Town Council will be replacing the pole. Just because a small minority will not respect our war heroes, we will always,” he added.

Volunteer Tim Caddey who carries out work at the War Memorial gardens told the Observer that the ‘sad actions’ of those responsible, would cause ‘distress’ to any families whose loved ones’ names are on the cenotaph.

“They have bent the temporary flag pole over, causing irreparable damage and stolen the Union Jack flag,” he said.

“I feel this action was possibly some drunken person not understanding the significance and distress that a desecration of our War Memorial has caused to the people of Tenby and especially those families who have their loved ones’ names on the memorial who served in and with the British Forces and subsequently died fighting for our country.

“There are also Tenby civilian casualties on the memorial .

“This very sad action was brought to my attention by a Tenby Town Councillor who visited me to tell me the sad news on Saturday morning as I was the one who had organised the temporary siting and purchase of the temporary flag pole and flag. I have purchased another which should be re-sited within the week,” he added.

County councillor for the town’s south ward, Cllr Sam Skyrme-Blackhall commented: “To say I am upset is an understatement. Words fail me. Tim has and continues to do an amazing job for us in our War Memorial for our men and women who have served in all wars.

“This flag pole had been up days out of respect to our late Queen Elizabeth II. Police are now checking all CCTV in the area. If anyone saw anything please report it on 101.”

A spokesperson for Dyfed-Powys Police said: “Police in Tenby are investigating damage caused to a flag pole in the Tenby South parade memorial garden.

“The damage is believed to have taken place in the evening of Friday the 28th of July to the early hours of Saturday the 29th of July.

Anyone with information that could help officers with their investigation is asked to report it to Dyfed-Powys Police, either online at:, by emailing [email protected], or by calling 101.

If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired text the non-emergency number on 07811 311 908.

Please quote reference: DP-20230729-109

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